
The Physical Culturalist

Hi, I’m Adam and this is my website.

For the last two decades, I’ve made my way in this world by doing two things really well.

The first is playing bass in a hardcore band.

And the second, and probably most relevant right now, is by helping people just like you get strong, fit and healthy.

Over the years, I’ve trained everyone from FBI special agents to BJJ black belts to actual rock stars.

But mostly I’ve worked with regular men and women who want to get into great shape without having fitness take over their lives.

And without having all the fun taken out of their diets.

During my 20+ years in the game, I’ve learned exactly what works and what doesn’t when it comes to staying healthy, getting savage, and looking like a goddamn sex machine while you’re doing it.

And I’m going to share it all with you here.

Oh look, a selfie

Because of where I live (Orange County, CA) and because my in-person sessions aren't cheap, the majority of my clients have been over the age of 40, so my content here skews more in that direction.

And, as a Gen X’er myself (51), I make it a point to stay on top of all the current research that’s relevant to keeping us living long and staying strong.

I’ll show how you can be lean, defined, and athletic whilst still enjoying the finer things in life.

Like ice cream and naps.

My philosophy is that if you train for strength and performance and eat for health, the look tends to take care of itself.

On my quest to master my craft, I’ve trained with Hardstyle kettlebell masters, learned the secrets of gymnastic strength training, practiced yoga, and studied the principles of human health and longevity.

And although I consider myself a student of all of them, I am a blind disciple of none.

Instead, I apply the principles I learned from my boyhood hero, Bruce Lee:

  • Absorbing what is useful.

  • Rejecting what is useless.

  • And adding what my own experience teaches me has value.

Although you’ll find plenty of great information in the articles on this site, I reserve the best content for readers of my weekly newsletter.

It’s 100% free and chock full of actionable training and nutrition tips.

And the first issue comes free with a copy of “Lose The Fat, Keep The Muscle.”

This is my playbook is on how to lose weight without sacrificing your strength and muscle in the process.

In my opinion, this is what they should have taught you in high school phys ed classes, but didn’t.

You’ll learn how to eat, train, and dial in all the factors which make fat loss predictable, reliable and, more importantly, sustainable.

Do the job right and you’ll only need to do it once.

Subscribe and I'll send you a copy